Terrorist attacks in India

Seeds of Our Demise Add comments

I don’t usually do the news reporting thing, but this is important. More commentary on Ace of Spades, and here’s an on-the-scene account I found on Instapundit.

The blogs are really the best sources for news on this. I tried watching the mainstream news but I ended up turning it off. If the stations weren’t busy maundering on about Obama’s boring political appointments (it’s Clinton II, that’s all you need to know), they’re still whining about the mortgage thing. And then when I do find a station running footage of the attack, I have to hear commentary from some academic sort on how we can stop this sort of thing by opening up more of the textile industry to Pakistan also by giving them flour, of which they’re suffering a shortage. (I think that was on CNN.) Yep, let’s try to buy off terrorists by giving Muslims more stuff. You know what? Why don’t Muslim countries pull their heads out of their asses and quit with the jihad bullshit? Then we can talk about giving them food that they’ve been too busy playing war games to grow. There is no excuse for this, and it certainly isn’t because of all the other countries who worked hard and prospered. I refuse to feel guilty because some group of people can’t cope with reality.

4 Responses to “Terrorist attacks in India”

  1. Brett_McS Says:

    Yeh, if you would just open up more of the textile industry to Pakistan we would have less Jihadi wi’ Yorkshire accent, by gum.

    I never watch the news, or read newspapers any more. It’s so insulting. Don’t know what the blogging scene is like in India. We have a few Indian engineers in the office on contract – I could make some enquiries.

  2. marcp Says:

    “(E)nded up turning it off”; indeed. There was an hour yesterday when I did wish for the cable television but then, pft: the reality is as you describe it, eh. ‘TV news’ has become just another source of static. Just got to the computer this morning and am looking forward to Mr Obama’s wease… statesmanlike response.

  3. JonathanStrange Says:

    We shouldn’t be too complacent; it wouldn’t be hard for fanatics to do this sort of attack in the US. Then with the ratings-seeking media covering a shopping mall, school, movie theater attack, American’s will be told to look in their own hearts and ask “Why do they hate us?”
    It could easily happen in the US; it only takes a few to hurt the confidence of millions.

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    It has happened here. And it could happen again. In fact, I’m waiting for it to happen. When it does, I won’t be surprised.

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