Let’s all go jump up and down on the San Andreas Fault

Seeds of Our Demise Add comments

Think that might start the Big One? Sorry, all you normal people who live in the San Francisco area, but I think of things like this whenever I see one of these spectacles.

(Via Tim Blair.)

In addition: apropos, I do think. As I said on Tim’s post — remember when even Sixties protest music had standards? And how many of those protesters featured on Zombietime.com looked like dried up old hobos? Here in my nabe there’s a woman who occasionally appears at bus stops — she never gets on the bus, she just hangs out at them. Anyway, her hair is a matted lump of crust that has not been any where near a comb — or shampoo, or de-lousing ointment — in what must be at least ten years. I’ll bet you she blames Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton for whatever her problem is.

3 Responses to “Let’s all go jump up and down on the San Andreas Fault”

  1. kc (prairiecat) Says:

    Andrea, there ARE no normal people in the San Fran area. If there ever were, they left long ago.

    Nuts & fruits & traitors. I’ll start eating to put on weight so I can help.

  2. marcp Says:

    As much as I appreciate the clever idea, ha, I must point out that my sister and her family live in t h a t p l a c e, and are quite ‘normal’ and even rather conservative in their politics, ha. No crusty hair, no jet flights at Saddam Hussein’s expense.

  3. Andrea Harris Says:

    I’ll warn you before we start jumping.

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