Intervention time

Seeds of Our Demise Add comments

This is for Ace, who is suffering from Post-Debate Syndrome and is apparently currently curled up in a fetal position under his desk because McCain failed to bore America to tears with the boring financial crisis during tonight’s debate. Trust me, the subject of finance bores most Americans beyond anything else; if we actually found things like subprime mortgage lending interesting, do you think we’d be in this mess in the first place? Even the thousands of people who can’t sell their homes for diddly, the thousands more who are in foreclosure, and the rest who disconnected the phone so the bank would quit calling just do not want to know. They don’t. And they’ll vote against the candidate who reminds them of it, and their current shaky financial situations, by doing more than mentioning it in passing. McCain obviously knows this. He knows people are just glad that the price of gas is going down.

Anyway, chill, dude.

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