
Blargle Add comments

My latest pet grammar peeve: the increasing habit people have of using the word “utilize” when they should simply use the word “use.” No, that’s not “utilize the word ‘use'”, it’s “USE THE WORD ‘USE'”! For example, heard today on the HGTV channel:

You’ve been utilizing this room as a bathroom.

Argh! No! They’ve been using the room as a bathroom, you pretentious little designer twat! Grr, kill everyone.

So, how’s your morning been?

5 Responses to “Useless”

  1. Annoying Old Guy Says:

    Haha. My friend the tech writer had a list of language peeves and that was #2 or #3, after the apostrophe issue of your/you’re and its / its. His claim was the utilize was correct only when it was a non-standard (e.g., “he utilized the ficus as a bathroom”).

    I don’t think I want to get in to the list terminal comma issue, which he would go on and on about (e.g., “this, that, and those” vs. “this, that and those”. I was originally a minimalist, but have switched over to putting in the comma).

  2. McGehee Says:

    I want to decimate anyone who uses “decimate” when they mean “devastate.”

    When the person misusing the word weighs 150 pounds, he would suddenly find he now weighs only 135 pounds, and maybe thereafter he’ll know better.

  3. ak13820 Says:

    Can’t stand utilize for use either. I also hate the whole nouns into verbs thing–saying things like, “I’ve gifted John a book.” Makes my teeth hurt.

    My personal peeve is “try and.” I don’t know why it bothers me so much. But “try to.” Try to, not try and!

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    People who use “gifted” as a verb should be punched in the throat.

  5. RRRyan Says:

    Andrea, anyone who used a noun as a verb just sounds affected and should be silenced by any means necessary. A punch to the throat is fine. My peeve, and I see it everywhere: lead when they meant led.

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