
Seeds of Our Demise Add comments

Fred’s out! His fans are hysterical. Me? “Who needs a quitter” I say. I’m going to do what I usually do in this situation, and NOT CARE. (Yes, I know Flea is Canadian. Foreigners care more about American presidential elections than Americans do. I can’t watch BBC America’s BBC News because all they talk about is… America. It’s CNN with a British accent.)

I wonder what would happen if a majority of people voted for him anyway? Would he have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the White House screaming “Noes! I don’t wanna be preznit!” But it won’t happen. The usual reaction of my fellow Americans to people who withdraw from an election is “Thank God, someone I don’t have to think about anymore.”

PS: more crying and sobbing can be found in many posts at Ace of Spades HQ.

6 Responses to “Faceplant”

  1. McGehee Says:

    “Thank God, someone I don’t have to think about anymore.”

    Sure, but why did it have to be Fred, instead of McInsane?

  2. Andrea Harris Says:

    Heh. I like your idea for a new political party.

  3. McGehee Says:

    Wanna be a delegate?

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    Hee! Sure.

  5. McGehee Says:

    All righty. I’ll put you on the blogroll. If you want to display it, let me know and I’ll e-mail the code.

  6. Andrea Harris Says:

    Kewl. Go ahead: twistedspinster-at-gmail-dot-com.

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