I’m the King of Town!
The election of our new prez reminds me of this scene:
DOCTOR: […]So how has he managed all this? The Master was always sort of…hypnotic but this is on a massive scale.
MARTHA: I was gonna vote for him.
DOCTOR: Really?
MARTHA: Well, it was before I even met you. And I liked him.
JACK: Me too.
DOCTOR: Why do you say that? What was his policy? What did he stand for?
MARTHA: (dreamy) I dunno. He always sounded…good. (fingers start tapping) Like you could trust him. Just nice. He spoke about…I can’t really remember, but it was good. Just the sound of his voice.
DOCTOR: What’s that?
MARTHA: (startled) What?
DOCTOR: That! That tapping, that rhythm! What are you doing?
MARTHA: I dunno. It’s nothing. It’s j— I dunno!
(Via.) I’d link to a clip on Youtube if I could find one, but I don’t have the patience to go through all of them, and most of them seem to have been made into music videos anyway.
Well, I at least managed to resist the hypnotic lure of a pretty appearance and smooth voice, but as usual I’m in the minority. Most people in this country pick candidates the way they pick new boyfriends, and with about as much success. I expect the chorus of “He… he wasn’t like that when I first met him!” to start in, oh, say about a couple of weeks. I plan to stock up on popcorn.
Oh, and for God’s sake, my fellow righties, quit whining. I can’t even mouse over the links on my blogroll, the shrieking noise that comes out of my computer speakers is deafening. Here’s a breath of sense from Steven Den Beste. Remember, it’s leftists who whine that the world will not change to their whims, not us. (Via Slublog at Ace of Spades.) Here’s another person who feels pretty good, Steve H. He seems to think God is punishing us with Obama. I don’t know… God may just be doing some pre-punishing fucking with our heads. If you were God, wouldn’t you mess with your creation every now and then?
(Edited to add picture, because I felt like it. Later: edited to conserve the space-time continuum, which we all know now is a finite pie-shaped object just like wealth and everything else.)