Well, that was fast -- I arranged to have my phone and dsl switched over to the new place today, and they said it would be done by 7pm, and here it is 5:30 AM and the connection here is already dead. So I'm stealing some local unlocked wireless. (Yes, I know -- bad Andrea! Bad!) But (wheedle) -- it's only for a few minutes! While I drink my last coffee in this place.
I still have some packing to do. (Of course. This is me we are talking about.) But not too much -- and I arranged to actually be officially out of here in a couple more weeks, because I just needed more time. I have the feeling I'm not going to be able to get everything over there today. I wish hiring professional movers didn't cost an arm and a leg. But at least I'll get my essential stuff.
Later. I am going to play around on the internet again while I drink my coffee. And my next post will be coming from my new place!
Comments (3)
Good luck with your move! :-)
Posted by Susan B.
May 4, 2007 9:50 AM
Posted on May 4, 2007 09:50
Woo HOO! Moving Day! Yippee!!!
All I did today was buy a wedding gown & most of the trimmings for Lovely Daughter. No anger, no tantrums, no hurt feelings...& a good lunch, too! Kewl! For both of us!!!
Posted by prairiecat
May 4, 2007 4:39 PM
Posted on May 4, 2007 16:39
GREAT! Have a wonderful time!
Posted by The_Real_JeffS
May 5, 2007 11:42 AM
Posted on May 5, 2007 11:42