Speaking of running for pres, if I had an ounce more gumption, I'd start a campaign: "Condoleeza Rice for President! Not only is she African-American™, she's a woman, and she is also an unmarried, successful career woman, so probably a lesbian. So the question is, America, are you ready for a president who is African-American™, Female, and Probably a Lesbian? If not, then what is wrong with you? Examine your conscience and Do the Right Thing!"
It'll be a candidacy for the ages.
Comments (6)
Why does this make her "probably a lesbian?" I know too many people who fit that description and most of them are straight.
Posted by Zendo Deb
May 3, 2007 9:34 AM
Posted on May 3, 2007 09:34
It's a joke. Which I will now ruin by explaning that it is based on the practice of accusing a woman in the Opposing Party (whatever that may be) of being a lesbian if she is unmarried and childless.
Posted by Andrea Harris
May 3, 2007 10:41 AM
Posted on May 3, 2007 10:41
I dunno, Andrea. It's pretty much widely accepted (among the types who breathlessly forward e-mail lists of all the people the Clintons had killed) that Hillary! is a lesbian. Marriage and child notwithstanding.
Posted by Steve Skubinna
May 3, 2007 8:18 PM
Posted on May 3, 2007 20:18
That's a marriage? And if you ask me Chelsea looks like neither of them -- I think she's adopted. Let's start a rumor!
Posted by Andrea Harris
May 4, 2007 5:27 AM
Posted on May 4, 2007 05:27
If you want rumor, well, ``Chelsea is actually Webster Hubbell's daughter'' has been around for years.
Good luck with the move.
Posted by Annalucia
May 4, 2007 7:41 AM
Posted on May 4, 2007 07:41
Web Hubbell? Nah, she's the love child of Bill and Susan McDougal!
Posted by Steve Skubinna
May 4, 2007 9:20 PM
Posted on May 4, 2007 21:20