I'm pretty sure that Grendel's ma wasn't meant to be a MILF.
Honestly. Here:
Soon found the fiend who the flood-domain
sword-hungry held these hundred winters,
greedy and grim, that some guest from above,
some man, was raiding her monster-realm.
She grasped out for him with grisly claws,
and the warrior seized; yet scathed she not
his body hale; the breastplate hindered,
as she strove to shatter the sark of war,
the linked harness, with loathsome hand.
Then bore this brine-wolf, when bottom she touched,
the lord of rings to the lair she haunted
Etc. I'm just not getting that "sexy, get her voiced by Angelina Jolie" vibe. But maybe you men are different. But I don't think so.
Comments (2)
The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel who is terrorizing towns, and later, Grendel's mother, who begins killing out of revenge.
Gosh, a darkened room...fire crackling...a fine wine, "Beowulf" playing on the DVD. What more could one ask for?
Posted by El Cid
November 15, 2007 9:47 PM
Posted on November 15, 2007 21:47
Mmm... I dunno... broadswords? Heh.
Posted by Andrea Harris
November 15, 2007 10:06 PM
Posted on November 15, 2007 22:06