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I think I know why this apartment was available

There is a young couple who live in the apartment above me. Their connubial relations (whether officially sanctioned or not) are, if not harmonious, then certainly vigorous. I hope that the trusses between my ceiling and their floor are sturdy.

Comments (9)

Perhaps--given the recent concerns about the robustness of infrastructure--there should be an agency to check on this sort of thing (the structure, not the connubial relations)...

Sneak a webcam in and your financial worries are over.

Oh I don't know. People are so shameless these days they'll probably brag to everyone that their escapades are on Youtube.

In fact -- I wouldn't be surprised if they've gone and filmed themselves already and have their own internet website.

(As opposed to all those non-internet websites. Um.)

Ah. I didn't mean extortion, I meant selling the video to third parties. Extortion has the defect you mentioned (they may well just say "cool! let us know the URL!") and they likely don't have enough money to be worth ripping off.

Provide arena seating and color commentary, and wait for the advertising dollars to roll in.

Or you could have a carnal version of AFV. People send in their sex tapes and a studio audience votes on them. The three top vote getters earn a cash prize. With a special year-end episode for the grand prize.

I'd rather wait for the inevitable screaming breakup. (These hot-'n'-heavy relationships usually aren't too stable.) That ought to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.


I am stunned that such a thing isn't already on cable. I say you get some funding and run with it.

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Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.


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