The Boston molasses disaster. I've never heard of it, but then the history of the early 20th century never was my bag -- there's a lot about that era I don't know.
On a side note, I think that the only more embarrassing death than being drowned by molasses would be to be run over by a Scion. It would be like being killed by a toaster.
(Link to Boston Molasses tragedy site via a commenter on Tim Blair's site.)
Comments (1)
What's amusing about this story, if anything about a disaster can be said to be amusing, is that everything we've been told about molasses is related to its putative slowness, presumably a function of viscosity. Yet this stuff moved through the streets of Boston at 35 mph, something you can't do today in an actual car.
Posted by CGHill
July 4, 2007 5:45 PM
Posted on July 4, 2007 17:45