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But -- but they were inexperienced!

Aren't college kids incomprehensible alcoholics most of the time too?


Update: more on those untrained common folk endangering their lives unnecessarily. Really, they need to stop this sort of thing. It will just encourage us the wrong kind of people.


Comments (7)

Are you actually trying to draw a parallel between this and the Cho massacre? Good lord.

Why, whatever gave you that idea? (Pinches lower lip between thumb and forefinger in the manner of Dr. Evil.)

I mean, anyone could run up to a burning doctor and kick him in the balls. Even me!


Even more impressive? The highly trained 5 year old boy who kept a rabid fox from attacking his brother over the 4th of July. I guess there'd been a recent spate of fox attacks and he'd learned about 'em on his cell phone on flight 93 and...

My God, it's... it's... chaos!

The kids are all right We're doomed.

Andrea Harris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Growl. That was supposed to be formatted, now it makes no sense. Just like praising taxi drivers who take self defense into their own hands! Madness.

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Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.


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