Ah... the weekend. Tomorrow I have to go to the old apartment one last time, to finish cleaning the place, turn in the keys, etc. I don't want to -- I never want to have to get on that bus going in that direction again -- but the alternative is unthinkable. I was raised to tie up my loose ends as well as they could be tied (the bridge-burning I figured out on my own).
Well that was a fat paragraph of dullness. I can't promise any better -- I've become obsessed with finding the Perfect Hanging Lamps for my new living room and bedroom, and I can't make myself think about anything else. I have in mind something like those rattan tulip-shaped lamps so popular in yes, the Seventies. I know I know, but I could paint them a more attractive color... I have the book packed away somewhere, so I went surfing around Lileks' old Interior Desecrations site. So far no such luck, but I did find the bathroom of Sauron. The next page has this... motif. Well, Remington did make sewing machines, typewriters and guns.
And in that last picture there is at least a nice-looking pendant light. Not the tacky wicker thing I'm looking for, but a plain, modernistic hemisphere.
Peh, too tasteful. The search goes on!
My Eyes! They Burn! Update: my God, it's -- it's--
Definitely not there.
Comments (4)
I kinda like the green kitchen a few pages in, but:
What the hell is going on here?
Posted by Kathy Shaidle
May 19, 2007 2:36 PM
Posted on May 19, 2007 14:36
Europeans start their pervs young!
Posted by Andrea Harris
May 19, 2007 5:19 PM
Posted on May 19, 2007 17:19
Yikes...I remember that site. How could I forget the puke green bathroom fixtures?
Posted by Susan B.
May 19, 2007 7:03 PM
Posted on May 19, 2007 19:03
It's not so much the rotten avocado shade of the fixtures as it is that combined with the wallpaper, or tile, or whatever that is. What. The. Hell. Were people thinking? Oh wait -- I remember now: they were mostly thinking "What kind of wine goes with Quaaludes?"
Posted by Andrea Harris
May 19, 2007 8:59 PM
Posted on May 19, 2007 20:59