A while back (too lazy to link) I mentioned a British tv series based on the Robin Hood legend that was a favorite of mine back in the 80s, and lamented the fact that apparently only a few episodes have been released on dvd. Well, you can watch a whole bunch of the episodes (about three seasons worth -- I'm not sure if this is all of them) right here. There are lots more British tv shows, and some American ones, listed on the main page.
(Via Out of Lascaux, who is alas, much afflicted with comment spam.)
Comments (1)
BBC America is airing a new Robin Hood series now. It's a little on the cheesy side but not all that bad for fans of the story. It's always been one of my faves.
Posted by Rob
May 19, 2007 10:02 AM
Posted on May 19, 2007 10:02