I share moments of my life with you poor, lesser mortals: just because I have had an excellent dinner, prepared with these two hands (ham steak, a baked sweet potato, and fresh brussel sprouts parboiled and sauteed in butter, with a not-bad-for-a-grocery-store zinfandel), does not mean I feel mellow. On the contrary, there's nothing like a nice meal to get the hate flowing.
On the other hand, I have a couple of Sherlock Holmes (the ones with Jeremy Brett) dvds from Netflix waiting, and I have to get up early blah blah blah. What to do?
Comments (3)
Aw, hell, watch the videos late into the night. This will put you in the proper frame of mind for Monday.
Posted by Jeffro
March 11, 2007 8:38 PM
Posted on March 11, 2007 20:38
Yeah, that Sherlock Holmes series was excellent (with a few exceptions, notably those produced by Jeremy whatshisname). Who needs sleep anywho? ;-P
Posted by The_Real_JeffS
March 11, 2007 9:50 PM
Posted on March 11, 2007 21:50
Damn! Just had a bowl of Cheerios, & now I'm hungry again...sounds like a yummy dinner. Haven't had ham steak OR sweet potato in awhile... In a week or so I should have fresh spinach & salad greens, which would go nice with that, eh? Jeremy Brett did a good Sherlock, enjoy!
Posted by prairiecat
March 12, 2007 10:36 AM
Posted on March 12, 2007 10:36