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And now for some serious debate

Iowahawk posits a question: "Should Washington Post Military Analyst William Arkin Be Beaten Like the Repulsive Sack of Shit He Is?" Needless to say, I come down on the "yes" side, though there is the danger you might get splattered. Then again, you can always take a bath -- but a repulsive sack of shit will always be a repulsive sack of shit.

Update: he's also a bully. These squidgy, squirmy, soft-boned mannikins usually are.

Comments (2)

I've been just amazed at how Arkin, because of his arrogance, just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper.

Of course, this kind of arrogance is why leftists say that anyone who supports the Iraq War and is not in the military is a "chickenhawk". Essentially, they are saying that people who have not served in the military have no right to have a non-leftist opinion on matters having to do with defense and foreign policy. Now, one would think that the logical conclusion to that is that only those in the military may have a favorable opinion on the Iraq War.

However, when people who are or have been in the military and have served in Iraq have a favorable opinion, suddenly their opinion doesn't count...it is declared illegitimate.

Of course Mr. Arkin and other leftists (just read some of his comments) have a barely hidden hatred for the military and anyone who serves. The only military opinion they accept as legitimate is from someone who bows and scrapes before them and regrets every moment they ever spent serving their country.

prairiecat [TypeKey Profile Page]:

"Should Washington Post Military Analyst William Arkin Be Beaten Like the Repulsive Sack of Shit He Is?" Needless to say, I come down on the "yes" side..."

Ditto that YES vote here!

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Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 2, 2007 11:38 PM.

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