More superior nuanced humanity from the so-called "liberal" side of the brain pan as this... person finds a silver lining to the manufactured global warming "crisis": at least all those parts of the country that are full of rightwingers will get flooded. Just in time for Christmas, visions of drowned or displaced and homeless red-staters dance in the heads of progressives... That'll teach 'em to vote for Republicans! (Via Instapundit.)
Comments (4)
Another example of compassionate liberalism. He's having wet dreams just thinking about revenge.
I fear in the years to come he will be sorely disappointed.
Posted by Jeffro
December 27, 2007 8:28 PM
Posted on December 27, 2007 20:28
Of course if that did happen, the idiot would last about a year. He'd either freeze to death the first winter or starve by the following spring.
Posted by Christopher Johnson
December 27, 2007 9:04 PM
Posted on December 27, 2007 21:04
Stalinism is alive and well.
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Posted by wf
December 29, 2007 6:01 AM
Posted on December 29, 2007 06:01
Someone should point out to this fellow that those red staters are likely the ones with guns, and that most of them have cars, or horses, or perfectly good feet...
Or maybe they shouldn't. I mean, who doesn't love surprises?
Posted by BAW
December 30, 2007 9:57 PM
Posted on December 30, 2007 21:57