My eagle eye spotted this little grammar mistake in yet another pity-stroking article about Katrina "victims" fucking up their lives:
“What am I supposed to do — leave my daughter and my grandkids on the street?” said an emotional Priscilla Mercadel, 57, whose eyes were red from sobbing last week.
Is it any wonder that the media is so easily taken in by nonsense that a normal person (that is, not a "journalist") wouldn't accept as gospel from a four year old, when they can't even use the English language correctly? "Sobbing" is something you do with your vocal chords. The sentence should have read "...whose eyes were red from weeping" or "... whose voice was hoarse from sobbing." This sort of thing crops up all over the place and it drives me crazy.
(Via Kathy Shaidle.)
Comments (3)
I have a friend with a small variety of the usual turmoils & imperfections that come with being born Human. She's in her later 50's & says all her life that when discussing a particular personal foible of hers, the women in the family would listen intently, tut-tut, nod, & say "Well, you were premature, you know." I mention this only because it seems to me the "Katrina Victims" like that child will be a small, vocal demographic (Voting Block) in coming years. May G-d have mercy on us all!
I've become a sloppy writer myself, but hope it wouldn't be happening if I were a 'professional' journalist!!!
Posted by prairiecat
December 20, 2007 8:22 PM
Posted on December 20, 2007 20:22
What's so wrong about leaving the spawn and grandspawn on the street? I left a metal filing cabinet by the curb and it found a new home in hours.
Posted by aelfheld
December 21, 2007 12:58 PM
Posted on December 21, 2007 12:58
I would wonder more why the media are taken in by a sobbing woman. I mean, is that what drives public policy these days?
Posted by Kimberly
December 22, 2007 9:16 PM
Posted on December 22, 2007 21:16