"Jellyfish," my eye. I think we all know that the Great Cthulhu is about to arise from the depths where He lies dreaming, and this is the first sign.
And the Care Bear Stare is useless against Him and His gelatinous helpers.
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"Jellyfish," my eye. I think we all know that the Great Cthulhu is about to arise from the depths where He lies dreaming, and this is the first sign.
And the Care Bear Stare is useless against Him and His gelatinous helpers.
Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.
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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2007 7:13 PM.
The previous post in this blog was That light at the end of the tunnel?.
The next post in this blog is I hate the holidays.
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Comments (1)
Bah! The Erin Go Bragh'ers kept pissing in the damn things, so they could fit more beer.
Posted by El Cid
November 21, 2007 9:42 PM
Posted on November 21, 2007 21:42