By now everyone has heard about the antics of UF professional moron Andrew Meyer and his starring role in Dances With Tasers. Must be something up there in the water in Gainesville... Anyway, here's my favorite take on this latest crushing of free speech, courtesy of Dennis Miller.
(Via a commenter on Ace of Spades.)
Update: not a whole lot of sympathy for the Tased And Confused One here. So far my favorite comment is this one: "Alpha males and Beta males have monopolized Naomi Wolf's attention for far too long. I'm glad she's finally considering the plight of the Delta Minus male."
More: Steve H. has added captions for the hearing-impaired. Also he has a radio show tonight -- I might listen, because this virus has weakened my will.
Comments (2)
I found the captioned video disappointing, to say the least. I would have enjoyed it more if they had also pepper sprayed the little bastard and then worked him over with some truncheons. Tazing? C'mon, that doesn't even count.
Posted by Sean M.
September 20, 2007 8:11 PM
Posted on September 20, 2007 20:11
We have to use the material life gives us.
Posted by Andrea Harris
September 21, 2007 7:42 AM
Posted on September 21, 2007 07:42