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Pulp Nonfiction

Hi folks. I am sitting here wondering whether or not to pay my phone bill, because they turned it off. I am terrified of coming to Lease Signing Day and not having enough money to pay the downpayment. Ridiculous, I know. But I have been less and less pleased with my phone company -- most of the phone calls I get are of the "Hi! It's (Fake Name) and I just wanted to tell you about this great deal I have for Dish Network/vacation homes/mortgages/investments!" variety. I never talk on the phone. I might just end up getting cable when I move instead of rehooking the phone back up. I don't really know what to do.

I guess I'll just pay the fucking thing. Goddammit. I really can't wait until I've moved. Then I'll be able to think again.

Comments (5)

Annalucia [TypeKey Profile Page]:

My daughter and son-in-law have one cellphone each, and no landline. You might want to consider going that route since you once mentioned that you do have a cellphone.

BTW they have an apartment full of computers and no trouble staying connected. I'm not sure how they do it with no phone line, but I can ask.

Probably cable, or a friendly (or unsuspecting) nearby wireless provider.

I'm back on, by the way, but I can't stay awake. It doesn't help that it's raining, always an inducement to sleep as far as I am concerned.

My sympathies -- I went through the layoff/move/financial crisis thing myself back in spring of 2005. I've since managed to whittle it down to an ongoing financial crisis, so I suppose that's something.

If you truly don't use the phone much, consider just getting a pre-paid disposable cell in the event you need to call 911 and then use Skype for everything else. To hell with Ma Bell.

Best of luck with the job hunting!

I do have a prepaid disposable cell. I'll probably cancel the phone line when I move.

marc [TypeKey Profile Page]:

I second Sean re Skype: it really is great, and doesn't seem to confuse the computer at all (some software makes my old desktop wheeze and splutter). There is not always a crystal clear voice connexion but it hasn't ever prevented a conversation from happening.

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Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.


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