It says something about my level of emotional maturity that I can sit here drinking a glass of wine at my age and still think "Look! I am doing something grownups do!"
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It says something about my level of emotional maturity that I can sit here drinking a glass of wine at my age and still think "Look! I am doing something grownups do!"
Don't worry, he's just chopping broccoli.
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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2007 10:05 PM.
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The next post in this blog is The Easter Bunny Hates You.
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Comments (1)
Ah, still wondering about sitting at the grownup table? I do that a lot...and this week, it's even more prevalent in my thoughts. Twenty-two years ago, I was sitting in a kitchen in Memphis, 29 years old, wondering how I was ever going to be enough of a grownup to raise the baby we'd just found out was coming...I'm JUST NOW getting used to the idea that I've been a Mom for a few years, she's 21, isn't that amazing, wonder when (if) they'll get married now that they've been together nearly a year & a half...
She's gonna make me a gramma in October.
Back to sitting at the kids table!!! 8-)
Posted by prairiecat
April 11, 2007 10:34 AM
Posted on April 11, 2007 10:34