Dennis Miller on the global warming hysteria:
When did nature get so whiney? We're not allowed to do anything to nature anymore, except look at it. It's like porn with leaves. And where's this delicate balance I always hear so much about? Every time I watch "Animal Planet," I see a rabid harp seal popping penguins down his gullet like they were maitre d'Tic Tacs. To me, nature always appears more unbalanced than Gary Busey with a clogged eustachian tube.
(Bolds mine.) I love the internet because people always find stuff like this so I don't actually have to watch shows like Hannity & Colmes.
Comments (1)
I am not the first person to note this, but it'd be hilarious to drop a bunch of Gaia worshipping vegans into the Amazon rain forest or one of the Southeast Asia jungles.
It'd also be very, very cruel. Heh heh.
Posted by Steve Skubinna
January 20, 2007 11:33 AM
Posted on January 20, 2007 11:33