Dennis Miller on the global warming hysteria:
When did nature get so whiney? We're not allowed to do anything to nature anymore, except look at it. It's like porn with leaves. And where's this delicate balance I always hear so much about? Every time I watch "Animal Planet," I see a rabid harp seal popping penguins down his gullet like they were maitre d'Tic Tacs. To me, nature always appears more unbalanced than Gary Busey with a clogged eustachian tube.
(Bolds mine.) I love the internet because people always find stuff like this so I don't actually have to watch shows like Hannity & Colmes.
Comments (1)
I am not the first person to note this, but it'd be hilarious to drop a bunch of Gaia worshipping vegans into the Amazon rain forest or one of the Southeast Asia jungles.
It'd also be very, very cruel. Heh heh.
Posted by Steve Skubinna | January 20, 2007 11:33 AM
Posted on January 20, 2007 11:33