A short observation: what the current conflict boils down to is the fact that Arab culture, which dominates Muslim culture, is for the most part the opposite of Western culture. Until this is both recognized and dealt with we probably aren't going to get anywhere with these people.
Via Kathy Shaidle. Also, see this interesting article: "15 Rules For Understanding the Middle East." The whole Arab culture thing is one reason why Islam holds no attraction for me. More so than other religions it is dominated by a culture whose practices I am already inclined to abhor: oppression of women, prejudice against non-Arabs, slavery is still practiced, the whole "inshallah" thing, lazy men are revered and hard-working ones looked down on, family/tribe over country, a language that sounds like hacking and coughing. The writing is pretty, though.
Comments (1)
I'm with you on this one. Seems to me that the shorthand term for "Arab Culture" is Oppression of Others. Period. There is no growth, whether it's spiritual, economic, or educational. I've noticed that when progress (real progress, not Liberal Progress) is stunted & shunned, misery follows.
Posted by prairiecat
January 11, 2007 10:16 AM
Posted on January 11, 2007 10:16